The average house price on WALKER PLACE is £115,264
The most expensive house in the street is 37 WALKER PLACE with an estimated value of £119,601
The cheapest house in the street is 43 WALKER PLACE with an estimated value of £108,284
The house which was most recently sold was 43 WALKER PLACE, this sold on 6 Oct 2003 for £48,000
The postcode for WALKER PLACE is LS27 7PJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
33 WALKER PLACE Terraced £118,488 £48,000 18 Feb 2003
35 WALKER PLACE Terraced £118,488 £48,000 18 Feb 2003
37 WALKER PLACE Terraced £119,601 £48,000 8 Jan 2003
39 WALKER PLACE Terraced £119,601 £48,000 8 Jan 2003
41 WALKER PLACE Terraced £114,060 £48,000 20 Jun 2003
43 WALKER PLACE Terraced £108,284 £48,000 6 Oct 2003
45 WALKER PLACE Terraced £112,339 £48,000 21 Jul 2003
47 WALKER PLACE Terraced £111,257 £48,000 29 Aug 2003